Beauty Resolutions for 2015

Before I begin I want all of your eyes to feast on the spectacular fireworks display that littered Manila’s skyline last New Year’s Eve.

Beautiful is it not?

Now unto those resolutions! Sure I’ve got a few goals I’d like to achieve starting this year but beauty and blog-related? Let me think, hmm.

Color is good. I’m taking stock of what I have and I’m mostly seeing neutral eyeshadows. I think I only have 2 palettes that have some blues or greens in them and those are just included in an otherwise neutral-themed palette. I don’t remember using them at all. An experimental run from a tutorial on YouTube and some swatches at the back of the hand maybe but nothing more than that. I’m too fussy when it comes to bright eyeshadows but I’ll try to use more color in my makeup slowly.

Rotation is the key. I admit, I have favoritism. Some of my makeup don’t get used for months at a time. When I really like a product, I stick to it until I find something better. Even if I put certain products on rotation, it’s mostly the good ones. I should have a list or something by my vanity table just so I can keep track of the products I have to use up.

Content level-up. Nope, I’m not quite ready for videos yet but I do have a couple of ideas up my sleeve for a new series. So aside from the usual product reviews, I want you all to see something else. That is if I can wrap my mind fully on those ideas. My brainstorming sessions come and go on their own, you see.

“Quality over quantity” products. I’ll try not to be influenced by hyped-up product press releases I’ll be reading online. That means, I’m taking my sweet time, patiently waiting for product reviews before indulging in a buy. Whether it’s a drugstore or a high-end brand, as long as they keep other bloggers satisfied, I’m willing to give them a go.

Limited edition requirement. Last year, I talked myself into spending only a few thousand pesos on limited editions every month. I had honored that promise during the first quarter of 2014 but by the time summer came, my will flew out the proverbial window. It’s mostly MAC’s fault. So for this year, I will try to limit my limited edition purchases on select brands while answering one question,” Will I able to use it all year round?”

Skincare in and out. My skincare is complicated for most people. I tried explaining it to my roommate once and I lost her. But the thing is, while I have been taking care of my skin from the outside, I’ve been neglecting it from the inside. My diet pretty much revolved around fatty, salty and sweet foods — I have a terrible weakness for anything sweet. Cakes, pastries, gummy candies, you name it. This year, I resolve to be more health-conscious. Less salt, less fat and less sugar.

What are your new goals for this 2015?
name sign

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2 thoughts on “Beauty Resolutions for 2015

  1. There was a time I forced myself not to buy as much.. That didn’t work for a while and I started to feel consumed by makeup. Then, stuff just piled up waaaay too high and *then* I felt like I couldn’t buy anymore stuff. December is usually my killer month what with holiday editions and sales…. but I did pretty well this year 🙂


  2. Good luck on your goals, Nikki! Excited for the new series you’ll be having on the blog. Can’t wait to see more of you this year! 🙂 Hope to meet you in person as well!


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